
Composed 1973

Written in 4 parts. Part 1 introduces the bicycle theme and sets the wheels in motion. Parts 2-4 describe a child’s graduation from tricycle to a racing bike. Each part is unique in melody, rhythm and tessitura, which provides delightful contrast. When the parts accumulate, the result is exhilarating for singers and listeners alike.

Lead Sheet Preview:

You can download the song files here:


Multi-Part Song, 4 Parts, Unison, Solos

Musical Form:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 together


Suggested Uses:

All-school assembly – classes or grade levels can each sing a part; adapt form from simple to complex; audience participation

Performance Options:

To simplify, use the first verse only for each part instead of both; sing accumulated parts together each time before introducing the next new part; start with Part 1, verse 1 slowly, a cappella, as a solo or in unison to create an introduction; then continue as written; vary accompaniment accordingly to match the form you choose; a bike bell sound effect at the end is a must!

Piano Score Preview: