“Myths” is a musical interpretation of stories from Ancient Greece. This selection of Greek Myths has inspired the art, music, theater, dance, literature and language of today. What did the plots and themes mean then? And now? Myths help people feel better about things they don’t quite understand.
This engaging musical, with 13 scenes and 13 songs, intended to be performed by 5th – 8th graders, provides a unique perspective on these classic themes and is a wonderful way to learn about actions and consequences through musical theater.
Music, lyrics and book were written by Aline Shader in 1978 for her students at Bowen Elementary School in Newton Centre, MA.

"Myths" Archival Student Performance Demo (4:00)
Songs Children Sing offers this and all resources on the website free-of-charge.
This (111mb) .Zip file contains:
1 x Full Script (1 PDF)
13 x Lyric Sheets (1 PDF)
13 x Lead Sheets (1 PDF)
13 x Full Scores (1 PDF)
13 x Full Audio Files (MP3 Format)
13 x Piano Audio Files (MP3 Format)
This (68mb) .Zip file contains:
11 x Part-forward Audio Files (MP3 Format)
Performance Suggestions:
- Ideal for groups of up to 35
- Grades 5 – 8
- “Myths” can be performed as a fully staged production, semi-staged, select scenes, as a sing-through with narration or as individual songs.
- Assignable speaking roles for group scenes, for example:
Deity 1:
Muse 2:
Shepherd 3: - Costumes: robes, sashes, wings, tutu.
- Minimal props needed (microphone, sunglasses, professorial glasses, paint brush, music stand, conductor’s baton, ruler or t-square, notepad) as many scenes include pantomime.
Song Audio:
1. It Isn't Gonna Be Easy
2. Infinite Possibilities
3. Will I Be A Hit?
4. Hope
5. There's A Lot Of Time For Singing
6. The Gift
7. A Perfect Day For Flying
8. No One
9. Smile
10. It Doesn't Take Money
11. Here Is Someone
12. Hercules Hoedown
13. Secrets
Print Materials:
1. Isn’t Gonna Be Easy
2. Infinite Possibilities
3. Will I Be A Hit?
4. Hope
5. There’s A Lot Of Time
For Singing
6. The Gift
7. A Perfect Day For
8. No One
9. Smile
10. It Doesn’t Take Money
11. Here Is Someone
12. Hercules Hoedown
13. Secrets
Scene 1 – Aphrodite
Scene 2 – Pandora
Scene 3 – Muses, Graces, Fates
Scene 4 – Poseidon and Demeter
Scene 5 – Icarus and Daedalus
Scene 6 – Echo and Narcissus
Scene 7 – Ulysses and Penelope
Scene 8 – King Midas
Scene 9 – Eos and Tithonus
Scene 10 – Hercules
Scene 11 – The Sphinx
Music, lyrics and book by Aline Shader (1978)
Enya Lim
Dan Nimmer
Mix Engineer:
Alex Leiva
Jonathan Kelly
Script layout:
Maegan Kelly
Graphic Design:
Charissa Rooney
Jenny Hersch